Jesus Vs Satan – a Geek style battle

This is a joke that I found on my email that I think it’s quite cool. I don’t know what do you believe, but this is what I believe that Jesus’ save. He is willing to accept you no matter who you are. You don’t need to change your habit first or to be holy […]

Three Men going to Heaven…

Thursday is about something exciting for me because it is almost Friday. I’m glad that soon it’s going to be Friday. And that means it’s weekend. But on the other hand, it also means that this week is almost end. And this week will be the last weekend in March. I remember starting this year […]

Possibilities of Pleasing Everyone

I remembered about this picture a while back and I thought I want to put it here as a reminder for me and for you. No matter what we’re doing or have done, it will please some people but not everyone. Why is that? I think because everyone is unique. They have different mindset and […]