
I remembered about this picture a while back and I thought I want to put it here as a reminder for me and for you. No matter what we’re doing or have done, it will please some people but not everyone. Why is that? I think because everyone is unique. They have different mindset and raised differently. Even, it is normal for twin siblings who raised by the same parents will have different personality. I have seen it with my friend. they are twins and really look alike. At the beginning, I have a hard time to differentiate them, but after I get to know them, I can see their differences in their personalities and habit. So, I can safely say, the thing that might amuse somebody or one of the twin, might not please the other one.

It’s the same with life. In everything we do, we try to please everyone. Maybe it’s not true for everybody, but it’s true for me. I can say that I am a people pleaser. I want to make everyone to like me. But the things that I’ve done can only satisfy some of them. I feel bad when I can see some people smile because of what I said, while some others felt offended with that.

At the end, I want to remember to satisfy the important people in my life. People come and go, but our spouse, our parents, siblings will be there. If you can’t please everyone, at least, please those people that close to your heart. Because at the end, your life matter to them. I wish I can say like what Paul in 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 – to the Jews I become like Jews – (note: it is taken out of context a bit. Please read it yourself if you want to know more about the context) to be adaptable in every situation and be able to entertain everyone, isn’t that cool? But I realize that the time that I have, is not that much. So, instead of pleasing everyone in everywhere, I try to entertain those that come to my life, and for those who let me come to their life, so that I can be a blessing at least for that person. It’s still possible for them not to like us, but at least we have the right motivation.

Hebrews 13:2 – Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.

Please share some experience about pleasing everyone, if you may. I’m sure everyone might have similar or slightly different with my experience that will contribute to what I’ve said.

PS: do you know the story about the donkey? I found this link that elaborate more on the story. please visit this page.

Have a blessed day

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