Once Upon a Yellow Bird

Knock knock. Who’s there? Wait.. The knocking comes from the window. I don’t think anyone will jump out from the window. I’m living in third storey. Am I listening it right? I hesitate a bit and I slowly open the curtain of my window. Then I saw a pair of orange eyes staring at me… […]

How to Create Better Mixing in Your Life

Have you ever go to a concert or a seminar? What do you usually notice about that event? I’m sure that the first thing you’ll notice will be the visual of the event such as the stage, the chair setup, the multimedia that announce the events, the lighting. Then, when the time comes, you’ll notice […]

Install Anti Virus for Your Life

Just like computer, our brain works similar and even greater than that. Thus, there are many things that are invading our mind at a constant value with bigger and faster influence more than ever. A lot of people want to share their mind on you, including me. But how do you know or what do […]

3 Steps to Let Your Mind be Free

I’m sure most of us have a lot of things to do and seems you can’t complete everything. And by the end of the day, you feel there still more things need to be done. Most of the time, I feel tired because there’s always, something that I need to think or do and I […]