This is a story that I found recently about the story about a boy that died in 2013. I’m sure that in whatever we do, we feel that we still have a lot of time. Or most probably, the thought about death is something that we don’t want to talk about. I agree with that. I try not to talk about that because I feel I’m still young and I have a lot of things to do. Besides, we have so much years to come, right? Although I would like to say that I know or I have plan for the future, no one can answer me when will my time be. Although I have control for most of the thing, but I don’t have control for essential things in my life. Like, for example, I can’t control my heart to keep pumping, the blood cell to keep growing, etc. I’m sure you can’t too.

When we’re talking about life, we can’t deny there’s an end to life. which is death. There is one question that is lingering in my mind, if you know that you only have a few days or months or years left, what would you do? This video that I shared is been a while. I’m not sure whether you have watched it before or not, but I’m really surprised by the age of this man (and he just passed away on 19 May 2013). We can’t really say that because we are x years old, that means I’m still young and nothing bad will happen. Something can happen no matter how old you are. So, even if you if you have a few moments of your life, don’t lose courage. it’s not the end of everything. As for me, I’m not sure also on what I would do, but I hope I can be brave enough to do something like this guy doing. To make impact in wherever I might be. someday, I’ll be gone, but hope that even after I’m gone, the world will be a better place until the second coming of Christ.

one of the songs that he made at the end of his life is clouds ( you can view the video there. You can see that he has hope even beyond death itself. Hope that this song will give inspiration about how short life is, and not to discourage, but to keep courage as everyday is a gift.

news update on 19 May

Question: Talking about death is hard, but How different do you live your life, when you know that you don’t have much time left?

“And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men” Col 3: 23

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