No one can escape from this. one day everyone will experience this. I’m sure you know what it is. you might have a lot of arguments on what happen next, but no one deny this. what is it? it’s death. To think a bit pessimistic, today will be a day closer to that end point. Have you think much of that? For me the idea of the end times is quite close. One of my preacher told me about the palm lines (it’s not about palm reading). But, everyone’s palm will have sort of ‘M’ formed by their palm lines. Please take a moment and look at it. I’ve seen my friends’ palm and search palms’ images and I can say that it’s true for everyone. Do you know why? My Pastor relate it to latin words, which is Memento Mori. It means ‘remember (that you have) to die’ (Oxford Dictionaries). Pretty neat, huh? All this while your hand has remind us on what will happen to us.


picture taken from
Stairway to heaven

In this past few years, there are some of my friends who passed away. there is one whose age is 2 years old, and another is 31 years old. One died because of cancer, another caused on car accidents, or even plane crash. I don’t know what to say or think. Being departed from your friend and/or your love ones is saddening. but think about this: what if your turn comes. Are you ready? am I ready?

Remembering about my relatives that has passed away. my cousin who was about 31 years old. He died because of Pneumonia. I can say that it’s because he was a smoker, that’s the reason why. I keep thinking ‘if he didn’t do that, then..’, ‘if only I have more time with him..’. we’re not really close when we’re growing up, but he left me with good memories. just like good siblings, there’s love and hate relationship. I don’t like some of his behaviors, but at the end, nothing matter. He’s gone. Looking back, it makes me think again, when will my time comes?

So what do I learn from this experience to help me preparing on this. I think what we can do are these things:
1. Admit that it will come soon enough
whether it days or years or decades, it will come soon. What I do now will determine how people remember you. We can try to exercise, eat a lot of vitamins, and try to extend our time in this world. But no matter what we do, the time will come. It’s better to prepare to embrace it
2. Be grateful of today
Since the clock is ticking, instead of being pessimistic, it’s better to make greater influence with what you have. We can worry about tomorrow and we can either indulge in the glory or remorse on the the bad things of the past. But as long as it is today, seize the opportunity. that’s the reason why it called ‘Present’ because it is a gift.
3. Prepare what you can prepare
There are some things that are out of our control. but the things that you can, control it. Those are the things that only you can do and no one else responsible for it. It will be different for people in different season of life. so prepare what you can. If you’re a student, study your best. grab the knowledge. If  you’re working, work diligently. but keep in mind, prioritize your life, so that you won’t regret what you’re doing today

Remember that life will come to an end. That’s for sure. What you’re doing or pursuing right now is based on your priorities. Make sure you have the correct priorities before it’s too late. What we’re doing now will affect what kind of influence we leave behind. As for me, I don’t want to leave this world with regrets. So while I’m still alive, I’ll try to do my best in everything I do while maintaining the important things in life such as family and my health. I know I have limited time, and in those time, I’ll maximize it to make sure that I won’t have regret with what I’ve done and I hope to leave good influence later.

“I hope everybody could get rich and famous and will have everything they ever dreamed of, so they will know that it’s not the answer.” – Jim Carrey

Ecclesiastes 12: 1 – Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, “I find no pleasure in them”

Have you ever ponder this question about end of life? What has life teach you in this area?

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