Have you read the news lately? I’m sure you do. Do you notice what news that you read everyday? Most of the news is about bad news. Maybe sometime there’s a good news. But when everything seems so scary, how can we keep ourself from experiencing the bad day? 2 days ago, I share about how to improve from a bad day. Now, I want to dedicate this post to be intentional to keep improving your day.

Bad day can happen at any time. No matter how positive you are, you still need to process the experience. I think, it’s easy to read those bad news and just feel bad for a few minutes or hours and then move on. But if it involve you, it might take longer time. and that’s okay. That’s why you can’t do it alone and that’s why there are people around you to support you. Here are 3 steps that you need to keep yourself in better days.

1. Remember that time and energy is limited resources
I’m sure you know it. But sometimes, there are spur of the moments that grab our attention and not letting us go until you spend your time for it. That’s the reason why you need to be intentional on what you need to do. If you are not, anything will grab your attention, and without you realize it, you lose your time for something unimportant. Have you ever wonder why people can do more things and seems that their life is always happy?

2. Focus on the good things.
We can’t control what will happen in our life. But one thing for sure, the more we focus on something, we will get more of it. For example, when you focus on the things that makes you upset, you’ll notice more things that make you upset. Likewise, when you focus on the things that makes you elated, you’ll get more of it too. It doesn’t mean that when you think about it, it will happen. It just mean that you look from different perspective. Keep in mind that sometime you can’t find a good from the situation, and that is okay. When you ready, move forward. There will be season for everything. Don’t make it permanent.

3. Be grateful
I like the statement that said it is impossible to be greatful and unhappy at the same time. There will be a lot of times when you feel that everyone is just trying to make you mad. I know that it is maddening. I’ve been there too. But when I think that the more I think about it makes me even more mad and drained my energy, yet nothing happen to the situation, it feels like I’m mad on something useless. It’s true that when you mad at somebody, it’s like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies (Nelson Mandela). I’ve mentioned in one of my post that our brain is the most amazing tool. When you ponder on something, it will give you answers to it. So when you think about why it is makes you mad, your mind will fill your thought on why it made you mad.

There are a lot of things that are our of our control. Control the one that you can, and let go the others. Think on what you can do now instead of what you can’t do. And believe me, your mind will give you ideas on what you can do to deal with it.

“Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.” – Nelson Mandela

Ecclesiastes 3: 1, 11 – There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens…. He (God) has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

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