There are some things that we can’t control. Every day, there is possibility of something goes wrong, even when we have been very cautious about it. As long as we interact with people or other things, there are always a possibility of receiving something that is wrong. Imagine that you are off from work very late and you just want to have a good rest. You have dozed off peacefully and you feel that your rest will be very good tonight. Suddenly early in the morning, this day, among any other days, your neighbor decided to wake up early and played a loud rock music that awakens you. What will you do? If you are ‘gifted” in your ability to sleep despite of any situation, congratulation. I know there are some other people that will get upset and couldn’t sleep when they heard that loud noise.

I’m sure there are some days that are worse than any other day. It could happen by the people that close to us or some stranger that we meet on the street. There’s a day when I feel that everything is wrong. I was waking up late to work, and then when I try to go, the bus that I took stop a long time because the road is jammed. When I reached office, I forgot my security pass. So I need to exchange my ID for a temporary pass. This day, out of any other day, my boss decided to annoy me so much and made me really mad. From that moment onward, I played different scenarios on my head image what I can do to him. Before I realize it, the whole day has passed. That means I have been mad the whole day. Have you feel that way? Getting angry to people is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to suffer. It just won’t work. I found an article that describe on how to improve a bad day. In summary, there are 5 steps to improve your days:
1. go for a walk
In a heat of discussion, it will take toll in your mental energy. walk away from it. You might want to say that you’re still okay and you can handle the situation calmly. But before you say or do something you’ll regret in the future, take that walk. It let you clear the tension and your mind a bit. Let you think through a bit better. You’ll be able to see slightly from different angle when you do that.

2. Listen to music
I want to say that it doesn’t matter what kind of music you’re listening as long as you like it. But for me, I like to hear softer music like love songs or just instrumental music. I’m not recommending listening to music that has a lot of cursing in the lyric. I feel that it will make your feeling worse. But if it’s work for you, do it. distract your mind by listen to something good.

3. connect with friends or family
There might be time when you can’t handle by yourself. Bad day can happen anywhere any time and it also might not about work. Don’t feel bad when you need to reach to your family member. It is better to connect with them rather than receiving comfort from wrong people. The friends and your family member will be on your side to sooth what you feel. they will understand you better.

4. Take a coffee break
Just like walking, coffee is also good. The caffeine can elate your feeling. For you who want a reason to drink coffee, this might be one of them.

5. look at this post at buzfeed.
I feel that the theme of distraction is good. In this case is to distract your mind to something else. And it is better to distract your mind on something calming or funny. It will make you feel better. If you have computer with internet connection, take a look at this for yourself. Most of the people that I know use smart phone, it is better to put some beautiful scenery images or your spouse picture to lighten you up.

I’m sure that you will not plan for your day to be bad, or you plan to make other people suffer. Keep this in mind that when you have a bad day, you’re not alone. There are other people that thinking about you and wish you all the best to face today. There might be something that happens out of what you expect, but that doesn’t mean that they have intention to make you suffer. As far as I know, there’s no one who really like to make other people suffer. If you know somebody, then it might be a good time to recommend something else to them to lighten their day.

Question: What do you do when you have a bad day?

“There is no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather” – John Ruskin
John 16:33 – “I (Jesus) have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

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