How (not) to Exasperate your Children

Technology has played a lot of role in our life. In everything that we are not sure, we can search it online to find the answer. The same way goes for parents. When things happening to them while they are pregnant or even after giving birth, they can search any information that they need. I […]

Work vs Family – Which one do you choose?

In this current age, no matter where you are, people are more prone to work longer hours than in the past. In 2013, there is an article that says Netherlands is the country with the lowest working hours (about 29 hours per week), followed by Denmark (33 hours per week). How about Asian country? I saw […]

Be a man of Courageous

This is a note that I have at the beginning of 2015. I feel blessed to watch a good movie and it has good moral values that I can learn for the actual life. I watched “Courageous”. It was a quite old movie, but the message that it delivered is still relevant even up to now. […]