I wish, I can say that confidently not to be realistic. I’m sure that people around us will tell us to be realistic. And it is hard to move out from realistic view that people hold.

Make a Dream

In this age, people tends to say to others and we even say to ourselves to be realistic. Whatever you do, you must be realistic. But is it really the way that we need to be? I like the way Will Smith say about realistic. “Being realistic is the most common path to mediocrity.” from his statement, I learn that there is something bigger that we can achieve if we are not realistic. Is that right?

In this blog, I’m not talking to go all the way to the other side of dream which is to dream the improbable. That will make us to be delusional. But I want you to make a big dream that is still probable.

So what can we do to move from realistic but not delusional? There are 5 steps to do:

1. Accept things that you can’t change.
There are something that we can change and there are things that we can’t. Accept the situation. But remember, there are a lot things that you can change. For example, the way you see a bad situation. You can blame the situation or learn to have different perspective. It is hard to do if you have taught to look pessimistic to any situation.

To be honest, I did, and I still am. I am a pessimist. I tend to view problem negatively. What I learn that I need to be more grateful and learn that every situation is not the end until I give up. This is a reminder for you and me, don’t make your situation as final as long as you live. Keep moving forward and grow from every situation.

2. Allow yourself to dream
I learn this from Michael Hyatt podcast when he spoke about making goals. You need to allow yourself to dream. The future is full of promises because it is still unknown. Don’t let the past dictate the future. Be like a small kid that think anything is possible. I believe that everything is still possible, it’s just that it will require more time. But if you limit your dream, most probably, you won’t reach it. It is better to dream big rather than small. Keep in mind, But dream something that will bring benefit for others. that will boost the chance to reach it. I’m sure you want to be better for your spouse or family, right?

In this point, I want you to let yourself to dream big. I’m sure a lot of people out there has been talking about thinking big. You can read “The Magic of Thinking Big” by Dr. David Schwartz. I haven’t read that book, but from the summary and recommendation from friends, it is an excellence book.

3. Set the end in mind.
Picture how you see yourself at the end. Will you be successful? How would you see yourself when you reach your dream? Think about that and move backwards. What must be true to make it happen? If, let say, you need to improve your skill, do it now. You might think that It will be better if you have start improving yourself a few years ago, but the next best time is now. I heard this message a lot. I like to think big but nothing happen. it’s still just a dream. But I’m learning to see the end result that I want so that I’ll be able to think what needs to be done, and start now.

4. Write it down.
In “Write it Down, Make it Happen” by Henriette Klauser, she told us that you are more likely to achieve your goal if you write it down. Now, what I believe that when you write it down, it’s not like you open the cosmic energy to come to you to really make it happen. I believe that it’s helping you to initiate the first spark of commitment. It is not about positive thinking and then suddenly it will happen. Don’t forget to put it somewhere that you can see and easily reach. I believe the saying of “out of sight, out of mind”. If you’re not looking at it, although you have write it down, you’ll forget it. Keep your dream close and have a look once in a while so that you remember

In this digital era, I try to write my dream in my evernote. I’m not sure whether it will have the same impact like writing it down physically. I’ll try it and see whether it works the same or not. But the idea of writing it down, will allowing yourself to let it out from your mind and let your mind give you ideas on what you want to do and how to do it. Don’t believe it? try it. Your mind will give you more ideas when you write things down.

5. Do the next action today
It is good to have a dream. But dream itself will not be reality if you’re not doing anything. I think I mentioned previously that I like to procrastinate. In this step, it is important to start it now and make the momentum. I know it is easier to say to start it tomorrow. I can tell you that if you say that, it won’t happen. Do what you can today and it will help you to reach your dream.

Dream big while you’re living. it will bring you excitement to face tomorrow and to face life. Don’t stop learning and dreaming. It will help you to move forward. I hope that we can reach what we aim one day. On that day, we’ll look back and we’ll say to ourselves. it is worth-ed.

What is your dream? what do you want to do and what has helped you moving towards your dream?

“Hope is a start. But hope needs action to win victories” – David Schwartz

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