Another day pass with new things to learn. I can see that time seems the enemy for some people. It can be for their break, or for work. Everyone is fighting for more time, but time is the same for everyone. We can’t get more or less time in a day. What are the things that you want to do? When the time is running out, especially for your projects, how do you feel? I’m sure you will feel panic. And that depend on how big the pressure comes to you. When the pressure comes to you, how do you perceive the situation? Is it from abundance or scarcity?

You might be confuse by what i meant by that. What I mean is, people have their own tendency in how they think. Some people might think, no matter how much they have, they feel that they are still have not enough. No matter how rich they are, how capable, how blessed they are, they still feel not enough. Some other people think that no matter what, they feel greatful with what they have. People might think it as not much, but they feel satisfied. Which one are you? Do you think you have enough? When you think that you don’t have enough, you will make it really not enough. It has everything to do with how you perceive things.

These are 4 lessons that I learn to switch your thinking to better way.
1. Be grateful
Sometimes people will say bad thing about you. And no matter how hard you try to please those people, there will always be somebody else that will say that to you. If you want to change your mind, start it with changing your attitude. Instead of focusing on what you don’t have, focus on the things that you have. You might think that it’s like learning how to think positive. You can say that. As long as you learn to be greatful with it. Remember, the things that you have now, might be the very thing that others are looking for. For example, you might think that you don’t have time to do anything else, but what about those 5 minutes that you spend for social media? Or about those 20 minutes that you use to improve yourself? It might not be much, but learn to find something to be greatful of.

2. Think to empower others
It seems like an odd thing to say, how can we empower other when we feel discourage? Try it. I learned that when you look a problem from the outside, you can look your own problem from different perspective and it helps you to find solution. And sometime, the solution or encouragement that you give to others, will end up encourage you too. We are a social being. By encouraging other, you’ll get encourage too. Beside, your experience is unique and there must be a reason why you’re on that place at that time.

3. Own up the issue
There are a lot of stories that you might see in the news or maybe from your friends or family, that if only they have the same opportunity like the other people, then they can be successful too or even better than them. You might think the same thing. I like to do that too, and believe me, when I do that, nothing good comes out of it. The problem is unsolved and no one seems want to do anything about it. It is a contagious thinking. When you push the problem to others, it will end up no one will do anything for some time. In my project, I know that there’s an issue and it has nothing to do with me. Just because I can’t explain it well, they make it to be my problem. I push it back to others. It ended up no one is doing anything. everyone feel defensive and they just don’t want to do anything. There are 2 possibilities that can happen. You can blame it to them and make another person to do it or you can contribute with what you know and point out which one need to be done and approach that person. These 2 possibilities will make the project move, but the first possibility will make the person who do it will do it with resentment. And in the long run, it will hurt that person. I learned that to move the things forward, do your part, and the other will do the rest. What if no one else is doing anything? Nothing is lost. You are only improving yourself.

4. Think the best out of other people.
I know in this time, people seems colder with one another. It seems that when you are compassionate with other people, they will manipulate your compassion for something bad. Have you seen a new way to smuggle drug? in 2013, there’s a new way being warned by security. you can see it here. There’s a story that somebody was accused to help smuggling drugs just because an elderly ask for help to hold the bottle. But regardless what happen, it is still better to think the best out of the people. Well, sometime you will still get burned by others, but it is a better way of living. Just because some people are manipulative, it doesn’t mean that everyone else is the same. Just like the saying in a detective drama say: you are guilty unless you are proven otherwise. In this cold generation, love is what we need to make the world a better place.

Nothing in this life can satisfy our wants. And this is an ongoing problem that we will face. We will always have something that we lack of. Life is unfair. Or seems to unfair. Whatever your situation is, it will help you to grow from your situation. While we’re still alive, do our best and make the most of every situation. By doing that, you’ll have fulfilling life.

Question: What kind of thinking do you have? What are other ways to help you to think from the better side?

1 Corinthians 10:31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

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