Jesus Vs Satan – a Geek style battle

This is a joke that I found on my email that I think it’s quite cool. I don’t know what do you believe, but this is what I believe that Jesus’ save. He is willing to accept you no matter who you are. You don’t need to change your habit first or to be holy […]

3 Steps to Change the World

Have people grow cold these days? I feel that people are colder in terms on how they relate with others. How about you? Do you still care about those around you? I can say I’m guilty as well. I feel like sometime or most of the time, I am careless with what happen around me. […]

Your Life is a gift

Have you ever wonder about why you are here? Why do you born from this family?or why do your parents named you this (whoever your name is)? Some people do to the way they have been raised will thing that their life doesn’t matter at all and some other will think otherwise. The you are […]