These days, many people are using smart phone. I know some people are very particular on every apps they download to basically help them in whatever they need. Because of this need, a lot of developer developed apps to satisfy their need. I believe that it’s the same thing in life. Many people want to contribute something in our life. Now, if we look at our life like some sort of smart phone, what kind of app do you want to install?

Recently, I listened to a podcast from Michael Hyatt and I get a book recommendation, which is “Love is the Killer App“. I found it’s very intriguing and skeptical about it. this book is placed under Business culture in Amazon. And looking at what’s happening in office, I can’t connect the dots. So far, from what I can see, it has nothing to do with work, right? I was proven wrong. I believe that no matter where you are, you need to have it. Why? Because that’s the essential to be better in everything you do. By helping others to be better, you’ll improve yourself too.

How can we apply this in our situation? Is it relevant for all our situation? I believe so. In this book, Sanders explained this situation in the Introduction section Maybe for some of you, it is obvious. But why on another occasion, you didn’t do it? Why I don’t do it too? In order to share love, you need to share in this 3 areas:
1. Share your knowledge
From what I learn, there are things that is so obvious to you and apparently, it’s not for others. You might have assumed that everyone must have know it. But in reality, there are things that you know better than others.

But, if I share it, will it jeopardize my work? Nope. It will give different impact. The society makes you feel that it is not a good things to do. But when you share it, it will benefited both you and others. It will make you better and better. Don’t you think so?

2. Share your network
In this era, I feel that it is more true than ever. When I read this portion, it reminded me the time when I have dinner with my ex-college friends. It might be hard to trust somebody that you don’t know. Especially from unknown source. But it will be different when you get it from your friend. Well, you might not get any money out of it, but you’ll get something more precious out of it.

3. Share your compassion
I know, it is hard to show this, especially in a workplace. In the dog-eat-dog world, this doesn’t make any sense, right? I’ve seen some people who love it when other people fail. Please don’t be that kind of person. You’ll never know what will happen in the future. Feel their pain, and show your compassion. Help as much as you can. You might not able to see what good can come of this. But keep doing it. There will be time when you’ll see the reason behind it

Overall, this book is a great book to read. And I found that this is a better way of living. I know, that there are a lot of news that make us to be more suspicious with others than ever, but why do we need to follow that? I don’t mean that you should be careless or nothing bad will happen to us if you do this. You might get tricked in the process, but learn from it. Don’t let other people take love out of you and me.

The story that I shared here is something that comes while reading it. I haven’t finished, but I can tell you, it is a great book. If you want, you can borrow it from friends or library, or you can buy it from here. And you can buy it for your loved ones. It’s a good gift for them too.

Question: In what other area, have you apply this? have you finished reading this book? Please share other thought that you might have from this book

Proverbs 10:12 Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers over all wrongs.

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