I’m sure most of us have a lot of things to do and seems you can’t complete everything. And by the end of the day, you feel there still more things need to be done. Most of the time, I feel tired because there’s always, something that I need to think or do and I don’t have enough time to do. Or rather, I don’t want to think about that now. That kind of feeling is really draining my energy. Are you feeling that in the moment?

I feel drained because there are those unfinished task behind my mind, and my mind is nagging at me to look at it. Our mind is an amazing tool, but it doesn’t have a sense of time. For me, once I settle the task, my mind will feel relax, because I know what need to be done. It doesn’t mean I need to complete it, it just mean that I need to decide what to do. There are 3 steps that I’m learning to do to let our mind free and regain the energy back:
1. List down the things that you have done today
Most of the time I feel that this is an unimportant thing. I know what I have done, but comparing to the things that I need to do, this is nothing. Believe me, when you know what you have accomplished, it gives you more energy to do more.

I believe that we live in an era that you need to do something because you have to do it. Completing the task is your responsibility. So, in this case, even when no one appreciate it, appreciate yourself. please take time to acknowledge. It doesn’t mean that you need to celebrate it overly, just a simple things like have a snack, have a break or a small dance, will give you more energy. If you wonder what kind of “dance”, you can watch “Evan Almighty” for an example.

2. Go through your task list of what need to be done
After Completing all your task today, the last thing that I want to do is just done with the day. But most of the time, I couldn’t do that because I still need to check my inbox. I feel really lazy because I know, there will be some additional request or queries that I need to answer. And most of the time, I try to skip this step. But the longer I delay this step, the more my mind will nag me to check my inbox.

I realize one thing though. In this step, it doesn’t mean that you need to do it right away. In my previous blog (http://wp.me/p1frZe-3a), I mentioned that for the things that requires a short time, 2 minutes or less, you can do it right away. But for other things, just note it down. The goal is to collecting your thoughts and tasks that need to be done.

3. Ask yourself “what is the next step?”
This is a powerful question to ask. Most of the time when I don’t understand request from an email, I will skip it and leave it. I just realize it this past few days that it drained my energy because on the back of my mind, I know that I need to answer or do something out of it. But I don’t want to think about it now. Have you ever feel that way?

In order to let your mind be free, you need to ask this question, “What is the next step?” and apparently by asking this question, it gives you more clarity on what needs to be done. And it only take a few seconds to realize it. Trust me, it will not take a long time. By spending a little time to decide what to do, will give you more relieve and sense of accomplishment to do it.

Your tasks might not only come from email, but also from phone, sms, chatting, etc. But by taking these 3 steps, you will feel better. You will feel accomplished and looking for more challenges. Keep in mind that there is always something need to be done. you feel swamped by all those tasks. But while you remember, aim for balance so that you are not accomplishing in only a few areas by ruining other areas. There are other things that is more important in life.

What are some habits or tips that you have to make you free your mind?

Colossians 3:23-24 – “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

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